Obtaining a student visa for Germany usually requires about three months. Therefore, you should immediately apply for a student visa upon receiving the Official Admission Letter. Arrange a date or call the German Embassy in your country and check for special conditions and necessary papers for the visa application (proof of sufficient financial background etc.). The visa should be valid from September of the year when the German language course starts.
Do not enter Germany with a tourist visa, since a tourist visa cannot be transferred into a student visa once you have entered Germany.
If you are a DAAD-scholarship holder, please refer to the DAAD AS-Program in your visa application and include a copy of your Official Admission Letter.
If you are not a DAAD-scholarship holder, please refer to MIP and include a copy of your Official Admission Letter.
In case your visa application is delayed, contact us or your local DAAD office for assistance.
If the Embassy/Consulate requires you to open a bank account in Germany, please get in contact with a German bank.
If the Embassy/Consulate requires that you open a bank account in Germany, please get in contact with German banks. (e.g. with Deutsche Bank.)